Thursday 19 November 2015

(105) Artemis, detecting environmental signals that are out of the usual

(105) Artemis is a main belt asteroid discovered in September of 1868.
The orbit is located at the inner main belt. It has a perihelion of 1.95 AU and an aphelion of 2.79 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.37 AU. It has an orbital period of 3 years and 241 days. It has an inclination of  21.4º (golden aspect 21º15' [golden aspect 68º45' > 0º Cancer], 0º12' orb). It has a diameter of about 119 km.

Photometric observations were carry out in the year 1988, in December of 2006 and in October of 2010. Star occultations were produced in October of 1981 and in December of 2007.

Orbital resonance:
3:11 with Earth-Moon (99.8%)
13:4 with Jupiter (99.7%)
19:13 with Interamnia (99.9%)
20:13 with Davida (99.8%)
15:11 with Psyche (99.8%)
16:9 with Sylvia (99.7%)

Greek mythology

Atemis was the virgin goddess of hunt, wild animals and uncultivated lands. She was associated with the Moon. She preferred free living in the countryside and forests, to that of cities.

On one occasion, Zeus --disguised as Artemis-- seduced one of her companions, a beautiful princess named Callisto. After a few months, when she went to take a bath with Artemis, she discovered that she was pregnant. Very anger, she turned Callisto into a bear to be hunted. On another occasion, Actaeus of Thebes, faithful follower of Artemis and virgin like her, had the bad luck to clash with the goddess in one of his hunts while she was bathing naked. Artemis, relentless, turned him into a deer who was killed by his own hunting dogs.

This mythology describes the subjective experience of being exposed to the appearance of hunters or predators, like at the beginning of the movie "The Bourne Supremacy" (2004).

(105) Artemis is related to the ability to detect environmental signals that are out of the usual (3:11 resonance with the Earth-Moon system).

"Apocalypto" (2007)

Thursday 12 November 2015

(6235) Burney, analogy between a very personal approach and its link at the collective level

(6235) Burney is a dwarf main belt asteroid discovered in November of 1987. There are prediscovery images back to September of 1987 and August of 1953. It was spotted without being identified in October of 1950, December of 1984 and December of 1984.

The orbit is located at the inner main belt. It has a perihelion of 1.92 AU and an aphelion of 2.56 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.24 AU. It has an orbital period of 3 years and 131 days. It has an inclination of 2.9º. It has a diameter of about 4 km.

Orbital resonance:
1:14 with Mercury (99.6%)
13:10 with Juno (99.8%)
13:12 with Vesta (99.7%)
11:8 with Herculina (99.9%)
17:9 with Cybele (99.9%)
5:3 with Euphrosyne (99.8%)


Historical celebrity

Venetia Burney,, at the age of 11 years, proposed the name that would become official for the planet Pluto:

"It was about 8 o’clock and I was having breakfast with my mother and my grandfather; and my grandfather as usual opened the paper, the Times, and in it he read that a new planet had been discovered. He wondered what it should be called. We all wondered. And then I said, “Why not call it Pluto”. And the whole thing stemmed from that."

Her grandfather forwarded the suggestion to astronomer Herbert Hall Turner, who cabled his American colleagues at Lowell Observatory. Clyde Tombaugh, the discoverer of the new planet, liked the name because it started with the initials of Percival Lowell who had initiated the search for Pluto. Because of its mythological coherence with the rest of the classical planets, the name was formally adopted. 

The most amazing this thing is that she was referring to Pluto, the dog of Walt Disney that always accompanies Mickey Mouse!

(6235) Burney is related with very personal approaches, that later have validity at the collective level, due to its analogy (17:9 resonance with Cybele and 1:14 with Mercury), like in the movie "What Lies Beneth" (2000).

Wednesday 21 October 2015

(451) Patientia, reasonable doubt

(451) Patientia is a main belt asteroid discovered in December of 1899.

It has a perihelion of 2.82 AU and an aphelion of 3.29 AU. The semimajor axis is at 3.06 AU. It has an orbital period of 5 years and 127 days. It has an inclination of 15.2º.
It has a diameter of about 225 km.

There are photometric observations between the years 1969 and 2003. There were star occultations in June of 1999, October of 2010, February of 2013 and May of 2015.

Orbital resonance:
11:2 with Saturno (99.8%)
20:9 with Júpiter (99.7%)
1:1 with Interamnia (99.9%)

Word in Latín

Patientia is a word in Latin that means patience:
  1. The bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain without complaint, loss of temper, or anger.
  2. An ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay.
  3. Quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence.

(451) Patientia was discovered a year after the release of the classic story of Henry James about ghosts: "The Turn of the Screw" (1898).

(451) Patientia is related with ambiguous situations in which initially it is not reasonable to commit to any of the possible hypothesis, because there is not enough information, or because the various competing hypotheses are very balanced, like in the movies "K-Pax"(2001), "Darbareye Elly" (2009) and "Stone" (2010). 

"What's really interesting about the film to me, is how do you respond to an act like this? And it's a movie that says you respond by not rushing headlong into war; you don't do a knee-jerk violent reaction. You take the time to get the facts, get the information and then you deal with it." (Phil Alden Robinson, director of the movie "The Sum of All Fears", 2002)

Unlike zen riddles, which are ideally designed, the situations related with (451) Patientia refer to real-life situations were it is finally possible to find a solution to the enigma, even though it may cost a lot of effort or take a long time.

"Scooby Doo" (1969)

Tuesday 20 October 2015

(114) Kassandra, brave action that is intuitively felt as right

(114) Kassandra is a main belt asteroid discovered in July of 1871.

The orbit is located in the mid zone of the main belt. It has a perihelion of 2.31 AU and an aphelion of 3.04 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.67 AU. It has an orbital period of 4 years and 138 days. It has an inclination of 4.9º.
It has a diameter of about 100 km.

Photometric observations were taken in the year 2001. There were stelar occultations in July and October of 2002.

Orbital resonance:
3:7 with Mars (99.8%)
19:7 with Jupiter (99.7%)

14:11 with Hygiea (99.9%)
9:7 with Davida (99.8%)
11:9 with Interamnia (99.8%)


Greek mythology

Cassandra visited the sanctuary of Apollo and he fell in love with her extraordinary beauty. To win her love, he granted the gift of prophecy, but not even then he achieved the young princess. As the divine gifts are irrevocable and could not be undone, for revenge, he completed it with another: no one would give credit to her prophecies.

Cassandra was able to clearly see the impending tragedies that were waiting to happen in Troy, but for her desperation, she could not do nothing to prevent it, because she was always considered mad.

Like the symbolism of the card "7 of wands" in the Waite or Crowley tarot, (114) Kassandra is related with brave actions that are intuitively felt as right, even if it is not possible to give a logical explanation of why that is so. The situation takes place on an running process, which is becoming more relevant as time goes on (3:7 resonance with Mars), like at the end of the movie "The Sum of All Fears" (2002).

"Spring Breakers" (2012) [1]

"Spring Breakers" (2012) [2]

Sunday 23 August 2015

(326290) Akhenaten, freedom and naturalness of the instinctive behavior

(326290) Akhenaten is an aten asteroid discovered in April of 1998. There is a prediscovery image back to April of 1993.

The orbit is between the aphelion of Mercury and Earth-Mars. It has a perihelion of 0.49 AU and an aphelion of 1.26 AU. The semimajor axis is at 0.87 AU. It has an orbital period of 299 days. It has an inclination of 3.3º. It has a diameter of about 100 m.

Orbital resonance:
3:4 with Venus (99.9%)
5:17 with Mercury (99.8%)
11:9 with Earth-Moon (99.7%)
16:7 with Mars (99.6%)

Egiptian mythology

Akhenaten completely changed the conception of art of Ancient Egypt, by ordering that all living creatures should be represented just as such. Thus, children ceased to be mere miniature of adults and the birds ceased to be represented in a rigid posture and appeared in full flight. Even the Pharaoh was represented in the company of his wife Nefertiti and his six daughters in scenes of extraordinary intimacy.

The prediscovery of (326290) Akhenaten, clashed with the movie "Jurassic Park" (1993) and the discovery, with the movie "Godzilla" (1998) and "Mighty Joe Young" (1998).

(326290) Akhenaten is related with the freedom and naturalness of the instinctive behavior, especially in sexual expression.

"Hannah Montana - The movie" (2009)

Saturday 23 May 2015

(283) Emma, promoting the union between two parties

(283) Emma is a main belt asteroid discovered in February of 1889. It was spotted without being identified in March of 1980.

The orbit is between the main belt and the cybele zone. It has a perihelion of 2.59 AU and an aphelion of 3.49 AU. The semimajor axis is at 3.04 AU. It has an orbital period of 5 years and 116 days. It has an inclination of 7.9º. It has a diamter of about 135 km

A satellite, of about 9 km, was discovered in July of 2003. Star occultation occurred in January and March of 2000.

Orbital resonance:
6:17 with Mars (99.8%)
3:16 with Earth-Moon (99.7%)
20:9 with Jupiter (99.6%)
  *[9:4 con Júpiter (99.0%)]
11:9 with Sylvia (99.8%) 
13:15 with Ceres-Pallas (99.8%)
9:11 with Juno (99.7%)
13:15 with Herculina (99.8%)
1:22 with Mercury (99.5%)
1:1 with Interamnia (99.5%)
6:5 with Cybele (99.4%)

Fictional Character

In the Jane Austen's novel "Emma" (1815), Emma Woodhouse was a young girl of 21 years old, who lived with his father and the governess Taylor, her friend and confidante, which Emma presented to her future husband.

(283) Emma is related to the ability to promote the union between two parties, like in the movies "Pay it Forward" (2000) and "The Perfect Man" (2005).

Jane Austen, author of the book "Emma" (1815), has Emma in Aries in trine with the Sun-Galactic Centrer in Sagittarius, and in opposition to Juno in Libra. Also forms a golden aspect with the Crossing Point of Age Progressions (Signs Horoscope / Moon-Node Horoscope) in Sagittarius.

Hilary Duff, actress of the movie "The Perfect Man" (2005), has Emma in the Ascendant, also in Aquarius in trine with the Crossing Points of Age Progressions (Signs Horoscope / Moon-Node Horoscope), which is in conjunction with M87, also in Libra.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

(1181) Lilith, mental speed and flexibility to change direction according to logical criteria

(1181) Lilith is a main belt asteroid discovered in February of 1927. There is a prediscovery image back to January of 1914. It was spotted without being identified in August of 1925, November of 1943, February of 1953 and August of 1964.

The orbit is located at the middle of the main belt. It has a perihelion of 2.13 AU and an aphelion of 3.18 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.66 AU. It has an orbital period of 4 years and 124 days. It has an inclination of 5.6º. It has a diameter of about 23 km.

Photometric observations were carried out in November of 2011, February and August of 2014.

Orbital resonance:
1:18 with Mercury (99.8%)
3:13 with Earth-Moon (99.8%)
9:7 with Hygiea (99.9%)
5:6 with Vesta (99.6%)
16:13 with Interamnia (99.9%)
19:13 with Cybele (99.8%)
15:13 with Psyche (99.8%)
3:2 with Sylvia (99.6%)


Hebrew mythology

Lilith was Adam's first wife. Like him, she was created from the dust of the earth, as the image and likeness of divinity. She left the Paradise by the unwillingness of Adam to exchange positions, between above and below, during sexual intercourse.

The discovery and prediscovery of (1181) Lilith, clashed with the development of the first tests of intelligence in psychology, oriented to the selection processes for the military. Some of the tasks of these tests, designed to measure mercurian intelligence, consisted in mental rotation of geometric figures, in relation to a particular logical sequence.

(1181) Lilith is related with great ability to perform mental operations involving geometric rotation in tasks that require mental speed and flexibility to change direction according to circumstances and logical criteria (1:18 resonance with Mercury), like driving in reverse, or playing puzzle video games, like "Tetrix" (Game Boy, 1989) or "Lumines" (PSP, 2005).   

"Lumnines Supernova" (PS3, 2009)

Sunday 26 April 2015

(171) Ophelia, adapting to cycles of love in personal relationships

(171) Ophelia is a main belt asteroid discovered in January of 1877.

The orbit is located in the outer zone of the main belt. It has a perihelion of 2.71 AU and an aphelion of 3.54 AU. The semimajor axis is at 3.12 AU. It has an orbital period of 5 years and 195 days. It has an inclination of 2.5º. It has a diameter of about 116 km.

Photometric observations were carried out in the years 1979 and 2006.

Orbital resonance:
15:7 with Jupiter (%100.0)
1:9 with Venus (%100.0)
1:23 with Mercury (99.9)
5:6 with Pallas (99.9)
5:6 with Ceres (99.8)
5:6 with Herculina (99.9)


Character of English literature

Ophelia is one of the characters in the play "Hamlet" by Shakespeare. Initially there is love potential between her and Hamlet, but the relationship does not come to fruition, because Hamlet decides to focus on the recent death of his father. After the dramatic ending in which most of the characters die, including Hamlet, Ophelia goes mad and starts singing while she wanders aimlessly. Distractedly she enters into the river and dies drowned. 

(171) Ophelia is related with the adaptation to love cycles in personal relationships.

Every cycle has a beginning and an end, and it is important to know how to adapt to each of its phases, taking advantage of what life offers in the present moment.

"Centennial" (1978)

In full cycle of love, the activity is fluid and stable: everything happens naturally and predictably. When a relationship ends, it is necessary to accept it internally, in order to be able to move on with life and start new relationships in a healthy way.

“Safe Heaven” (2013)

Rhonda Findling, writer of the book "Don't Call That Man! (A Survival Guide to Letting Go)" (1996), has Ophelia in Cancer (6th Moon-Node House), in conjunction with Makemake, and in quincunx with Mars and the Galactic Center in Sagittarius (1st Moon-Node House).

Naomi Watts, actress of the movie "21 Grams" (2003) and "The Pinted Veil" (2006), has Ophelia in Aquarius (3rd Moon-Node House), in square with Venus and Mercury in Scorpio (6th Moon-Node House), and in trine with Uranus in Libra (7th Moon-Node House).

Hinako Ashihara, author of the manga “Sand Chronicles (砂時計, Sunadokei)” (2003), has Ophelia in Aquarius (11th Moon-Node House), in conjunction with the Sun, wich is in conjunction with Venus and trine with Pluto in Libra (3rd Moon-Node House).

Friday 10 April 2015

(243) Ida, elements that fix attention

(243) Ida is a main belt asteroid discovered in September of 1884. It was spotted without being identified in February of 1988.

The orbit is located at the outter main belt. It has a perihelion of 2.74 AU and an aphelion of 2.98 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.86 AU. It has an orbital period of 4 years and 306 days. It has an inclination of 1.1º.

Dactil, a satellite of 1.4 km, was discovered in August of 1993 and anounced in March of 1994. It was officially named in September of 1994.

Orbital resonance:
7:18 with Mars (99.9%)
3:4 with Vesta (99.9%)
9:10 with Juno (99.8%)
15:13 with Hygiea (99.8%)
9:8 with Europa (99.9%)
8:9 with Eunomia (99.9%)

Greek mythology

Mount Ida, the current mount Psiloritis (in modern Greek Ψηλωρείτης "monte alto"), stands in the Amari Valley, in the center of the Greek island of Crete. It is the highest peak on the island, with a height of 2456 meters (8,057 feet).

(243) Ida is related with elements that fix attention on a single point or direction (3:4 resonance with Vesta), such as for example a lighthouse on the coast or traffic lights in a cross street, the reflectors of a bike or the green light of an electronic device when it is on.

8P/Tuttle, elements of physical protection for the body and its movement

8P Tuttle is an amor comet discovered in January of 1858. There ia a prediscovery image back to January of 1790. It reached the perihelion in January of 2008.

The orbit is between the Earth-Moon system and Saturn. It has a perihelion of 1.02 AU and an aphelion of 10.38 AU. The semimajor axis is at 5.70 AU. It has an orbital period of 13 years and 233 days. It has an inclination of  54.9º (vigintile 54º [=biquintile 144º > 0º Capricorn], 0º55' orb). It has  a diameter of about 4.5 km.

Radar observations in January 2008, revealed that your kernel is actually made up of two cores in touch.

8P/Tuttle is the comet that generates the meteor shower known as Ursids, from day 17 to 26 December of each year. Its name is due to the fact that its radiant point is located very close to the star Kochab (Beta Ursae Minoris) in the constellation of Ursa Minor.

Orbital resonance:
13:6 with Saturn (99.6%)
13:15 with Jupiter (99.6%)
4:15 with Vesta (99.7%)
2:5 with Europa (99.8%)
7:15 with Cybele (99.7%)

8P/Tuttle is related to elements of physical protection (Saturn) for the body and its motion (Earth-Moon system), such as for example the fireman's uniform with thermal insulators, helmet, sunglasses, shield, etc.

Saturday 21 March 2015

(4179) Toutatis, transition between peace and war, and vice versa

(4179) Toutatis is an apollo asteroid discovered in January of 1989. There are prediscovery images back to July of 1988 and May of 1976. It was spotted without being identified in February of 1934.
The orbit is located between the zone of orbital piercing from Earth-Moon system toward Venus, and the Hilda zone. It has a perihelion of 0.93 AU and an aphelion of 4.12 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.53 AU. It has an orbital period of 4 years and 10 days. It has an inclination of 0.4º. It has a diameter of about 5.4 km.

In September of 2004, its proximity to Earth was only 0.0104 AU (4 lunar distancias). Photometric observations were made in the years 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008.

In December of 2012, the Chinese lunar probe made a flyby of (4179) Toutatis, taking pictures at a distance of 3.2 km. 

Orbital resonance:
7:15 with Mars (99.9%)
22:3 with Saturn (99.6%)
8:7 with Ceres-Pallas (99.9%)
9:10 with Vesta (99.9%)
13:12 with Juno (99.9%)
18:13 with Hygiea (99.9%)
11:7 with Cybele (99.7%)
8:7 with Herculina (99.7%)

Celtic mythology

Tutatis (also called Teutates), was a male deity of the Gauls pantheon, Ombudsman, legislator, guardian and referee.

In the comic "Asterix the Gaul" (Uderzo and Goscinny, 1959), the story takes place around the year 50 BC in a fictitious village, northwest of Gaul, which still has not been conquered by the Rome of Julius Caesar.

The Tutatis god is one of the most acclaimed by the Gauls Asterix and Obelix each time the opportunity to fight against the Roman guards is presented.

(4179) Toutatis is related with the transition between peace and war, and vice versa. The conflict is intuited well in advance as it is gradually increasing (7:15 resonance with Mars), like in the movie "I-Robot" (2004).

Tuesday 10 March 2015

109P/Swift-Tuttle, intense emotion while seeing a wonderful sensory stimulus

109P Swift-Tuttle is a comet of the scattered disc discovered in July of 1862. There are prediscovery images back to July of 1737. It reached the perihelion in December of 1992.

The orbit is between the Earth-Moon system and the beginning of the scattered disc, with an orbital piercing from the Earth-Moon system toward Venus. It has a perihelion of 0.95 AU and an aphelion of 51.98 AU. The semimajor axis is at 26.47 AU. It has an orbital period of 136 years. It has an inclination of 113.4º

109P/Swift-Tuttle is the comet that generates the meteor shower known as Perseid, with a peak between the 11th and 13th day of August each year.

Orbital resonance:
20:11 with Pluto (99.8%)  *[11:6
with Pluto (99.3%); 9:5 with Pluto (98.8%)]

109P/Swift-Tuttle combines the sensory perception of Earth-Moon system with the emotional awareness of the beginning of the scattered disc. It is related with the intense emotion that is generated by wonderful sensory stimulus, such as a shooting star.

"Jurassic Park" (1993)

Sunday 1 March 2015

(2254) Requiem, recognize in time the extinction of the available resources

(2254) Requiem is a main belt asteroid discovered in August of 1977. There are prediscovery images back to September of 1941 and October of 1916. It was spotted without being identified in August of 1941, September of 1959, August of 1966, April of 1972, May of 1976 and October of 1977.

The orbit is located at the inner main belt. It has a perihelion of 1.99 AU and an aphelion of 2.69 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.34 AU. It has an orbital period of 3 years and 215 days. It has an inclination of 5.0º.

Orbital resonance:
11:21 with Mars (99.9%)
5:18  with Earth-Moon (99.7%)
1:15 with Mercury (99.3%)
14:9 with Hygiea (99.8%)
9:7 with Herculina (99.9%)

Word in Latin

Requiem is a word in Latin that means 'rest' and it is almost exclusively associated to any form of giving a farewell to the deceased. The name is dedicated to the mother of the discoverer, who died on the same day that it was discovered the asteroid.

(2254) Requiem is related with the ability to recognize in time the extinction of the source of nutrition or the available resources. The causes of the reduction or extinction of the resources may be due the end of the season, natural disasters or uncontrolled consumption.

"Dinosaurs" (1972)

Tuesday 24 February 2015

(42) Isis, harvesting

(42) Isis is a main belt asteroid discovered in May of 1856. It was spotted without being identified in April of 1939 and February of 1950.

The orbit is located in the inner main belt. It has a perihelion of 1.90 AU and an aphelion of 2.98 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.44 AU. It has an orbital period of 3 years and 299 days. It has an inclination of 8.5º. It has a diameter of about 103 km.

Photometric observations were made in July of 2000. A star occultation ocurred in May of 2011.

Orbital resonance:
8:7 with Juno (99.9%)
with Eunomia (99.9%)
with Interamnia (99.9%)
with Sylvia (99.9%)
with Psyche (99.9%)

Egyptian mythology

Thanks to its magical and divinatory powers, the goddess Isis collected and reconstructed all the pieces of the inert body of Osiris, which Set had hidden in various locations after he killed him.    

In the context of the main belt, the mythology of Isis is compatible with the collection processes that are carried out in nature, as for example the collection of nectar and food of bees and ants, or the construction of nests and burrows of birds and beavers; and whom in agriculture, are equivalent to harvesting.

(42) Isis is related with all kinds of tasks of collection, as for example the collection of signatures in the movie "Erin Brokovich" (2000).

Friday 20 February 2015

(318) Magdalena, affinity and commitment toward a group or collective cause

(318) Magdalena is a main belt asteroid discovered in September of 1891.

The orbit is in the outer region of the main belt. It has a perihelion of 2.92 AU and an aphelion of 3.46 AU. The semimajor axis is at 3.19 AU. It has an orbital period of 5 years and 259 days. It has an inclination of 10.6º. It has a diameter of about 105 km.

Photometric observation were made in April of 2012. There were star occultation in October of 2000 and June of 2005.

Orbital resonance:
13:17 with Juno (99.9%)
7:11 with Vesta (99.8%)
10:9 with Cybele (99.9%)

New Testament

Mary Magdalene was a distinguished disciple of Jesus of Nazareth. In the New Testament is described that housed and provided material support to Jesus and his disciples during his preaching in Galilee.

During the entry of Uranus in Pisces appeared various revolutionary ideologies on christianity, among which is the book "The Davinci Code" (Dan Brown, 2003), in which is expound the possibility that Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene had lived and had children together.

(318) Magdalena is related with a commitment to a group or collective cause, toward which it is feelt a deep affinity (13:17 resonance with Juno).

The inner change in direction occurs after a recognition from small signs or miracles in everyday life, which the attention had intuitively focused on (10:9 resonance with Cybele; 7:11 with Vesta).

(121) Hermione, ability to assessing the quality of the ongoing relationship to know if it is the definitive person

(121) Hermione is a main belt asteroid discovered in May of 1872. It was spotted without being identified in november of 1970.

The orbit is located at the cybele zone. It has a perihelion of 2.98 AU and an aphelion of 3.91 AU. The semimajor axis is at 3.44 AU. It has an orbital period of 6 years and 149 days. It has an inclination of   7.5º.

"The Age of Adaline" (2015)
 Orbital resonance:
5:6 with Interamnia (99.9%)

Greek mythology

Hermione was the daughter of the king Menelaus and his wife, Helen of Troy. When he was nine years old, before Helena leave with Paris, his grandfather promised him with his cousin Orestes. But during the Trojan War, his father preferred marrying her with Neoptólemo, son of Achilles.

Shortly after settling into the domestic life, however, conflict arose between Hermione and Andromache, the concubine of Neoptolemus. Hermione blamed Andromache for her inability to become pregnant, claiming that the concubine was casting spells on her to keep her barren. To settle doubts, Neoptólemo went to the oracle of Delphi, where he found coincidentally with Orestes. Orestes came out victorious in the facing to death and married Hermíone, with whom he had a son, Tisámeno.

"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1" (2011)

(121) Hermione has the ability to assess the quality of the ongoing relationship to know if it is the definitive person, whose compatibility gives very satisfactory results in comparison with the previous relationships, like in the movie "The Age of Adaline" (2015).
"Safe Heaven" (2013)

Blake Lively, actress of the movie "The Age of Adaline" (2015), has Hermione in Scorpio conjunct Pluto, both in the 5th & 6th Houses of the Moon-Node Horoscope.

Nicholas Spark, writer of the book "Safe Heave" (2010), has Hermione in Leo in binovile (80º) with the Crossing Point of the Age Progressions (Signs Horoscope / Moon-Node Horoscope) in Scorpio. Hermione is in opposition to Venus in Aquarius, and in quincunx with Saturn in Pisces, wich is in sextile with the Sun in Capricorn.