Tuesday 10 March 2015

109P/Swift-Tuttle, intense emotion while seeing a wonderful sensory stimulus

109P Swift-Tuttle is a comet of the scattered disc discovered in July of 1862. There are prediscovery images back to July of 1737. It reached the perihelion in December of 1992.

The orbit is between the Earth-Moon system and the beginning of the scattered disc, with an orbital piercing from the Earth-Moon system toward Venus. It has a perihelion of 0.95 AU and an aphelion of 51.98 AU. The semimajor axis is at 26.47 AU. It has an orbital period of 136 years. It has an inclination of 113.4º

109P/Swift-Tuttle is the comet that generates the meteor shower known as Perseid, with a peak between the 11th and 13th day of August each year.

Orbital resonance:
20:11 with Pluto (99.8%)  *[11:6
with Pluto (99.3%); 9:5 with Pluto (98.8%)]

109P/Swift-Tuttle combines the sensory perception of Earth-Moon system with the emotional awareness of the beginning of the scattered disc. It is related with the intense emotion that is generated by wonderful sensory stimulus, such as a shooting star.

"Jurassic Park" (1993)