Sunday 1 March 2015

(2254) Requiem, recognize in time the extinction of the available resources

(2254) Requiem is a main belt asteroid discovered in August of 1977. There are prediscovery images back to September of 1941 and October of 1916. It was spotted without being identified in August of 1941, September of 1959, August of 1966, April of 1972, May of 1976 and October of 1977.

The orbit is located at the inner main belt. It has a perihelion of 1.99 AU and an aphelion of 2.69 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.34 AU. It has an orbital period of 3 years and 215 days. It has an inclination of 5.0º.

Orbital resonance:
11:21 with Mars (99.9%)
5:18  with Earth-Moon (99.7%)
1:15 with Mercury (99.3%)
14:9 with Hygiea (99.8%)
9:7 with Herculina (99.9%)

Word in Latin

Requiem is a word in Latin that means 'rest' and it is almost exclusively associated to any form of giving a farewell to the deceased. The name is dedicated to the mother of the discoverer, who died on the same day that it was discovered the asteroid.

(2254) Requiem is related with the ability to recognize in time the extinction of the source of nutrition or the available resources. The causes of the reduction or extinction of the resources may be due the end of the season, natural disasters or uncontrolled consumption.

"Dinosaurs" (1972)