Saturday 14 May 2016

(49) Pales, paying attention to each of the elements of a group

(49) Pales is a main belt asteroid discovered in September of 1857. It was spotted without being identified in January of 1908, March of 1947, December of 1950, June of 1954 and November of 1988.

The orbit is located at the outer zone of the main belt. It has a perihelion of 2.39 AU and an aphelion of 3.79 AU. The semimajor axis is at 3.09 AU. It has an orbital period of 5 years and 160 days. It has an inclination of  3.1º. It has a diameter of about 149 km.

Photometric observations were carried out in the year 1977.

Orbital resonance:
11:13 with Ceres-Pallas (99.9%)
2:3 with Vesta (99.9%)
4:5 with Juno (99.7%)
7:6 with Cybele (99.9%)
1:1 with Europa (99.8%)

Roman mythology

Pales was a divinity protective of shepherds and domestic cattle.

(49) Pales represents the ability to focus attention on each of the elements of a group, over which attention alternates every so often (2: 3 resonance with Vesta), like for example on the indicators in the cockpit of an airplane.

Monday 2 May 2016

(2063) Bacchus, dance parties

(2063) Bacchus is an apollo asteroid discovered in April of 1977.

The orbit is located between the zone of orbital piercing from Venus toward Mercury, and the aphelion of Mars. It has a perihelion of 0.70 AU and an aphelion of 1.45 AU. The semimajor axis is at 1.07 AU. It has an orbital period of 1 year and 43 days. It has an inclination of 9.4º. It has a diameter of about 1 km.

Photometric observations were made in March
-April of 1996, October of 2015 and September of 2016.

Orbital resonance:
11:20 with Venus (99.8%)

8:9 with Earth-Moon (99.5%)
5:3 with Mars (99.2%)

13:4 with Vesta (99.7%)
17:3 with Cybele (99.9%)
5:1 with Euphrosyne (99.8%)
5:1 with Hygiea (99.5%)
5:1 with Davida (99.5%)
19:4 with Interamnia (99.5%)


Roman mythology

Baco was the god of wine and merriment, son of Jupiter and Semele. Bacchus was honored in various festivals, such as the Bacchanalia, characterized by drink and debauchery.

(2063) Bacchus is related with dance parties and collective events with Venus-Mars eroticism (17:3 resonance with Cybele).

"Grease" (1977)