Tuesday 19 May 2015

(1181) Lilith, mental speed and flexibility to change direction according to logical criteria

(1181) Lilith is a main belt asteroid discovered in February of 1927. There is a prediscovery image back to January of 1914. It was spotted without being identified in August of 1925, November of 1943, February of 1953 and August of 1964.

The orbit is located at the middle of the main belt. It has a perihelion of 2.13 AU and an aphelion of 3.18 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.66 AU. It has an orbital period of 4 years and 124 days. It has an inclination of 5.6º. It has a diameter of about 23 km.

Photometric observations were carried out in November of 2011, February and August of 2014.

Orbital resonance:
1:18 with Mercury (99.8%)
3:13 with Earth-Moon (99.8%)
9:7 with Hygiea (99.9%)
5:6 with Vesta (99.6%)
16:13 with Interamnia (99.9%)
19:13 with Cybele (99.8%)
15:13 with Psyche (99.8%)
3:2 with Sylvia (99.6%)


Hebrew mythology

Lilith was Adam's first wife. Like him, she was created from the dust of the earth, as the image and likeness of divinity. She left the Paradise by the unwillingness of Adam to exchange positions, between above and below, during sexual intercourse.

The discovery and prediscovery of (1181) Lilith, clashed with the development of the first tests of intelligence in psychology, oriented to the selection processes for the military. Some of the tasks of these tests, designed to measure mercurian intelligence, consisted in mental rotation of geometric figures, in relation to a particular logical sequence.

(1181) Lilith is related with great ability to perform mental operations involving geometric rotation in tasks that require mental speed and flexibility to change direction according to circumstances and logical criteria (1:18 resonance with Mercury), like driving in reverse, or playing puzzle video games, like "Tetrix" (Game Boy, 1989) or "Lumines" (PSP, 2005).   

"Lumnines Supernova" (PS3, 2009)