Saturday 27 December 2014

(389) Industria, audits of handmade manufacturing and elaboration procedures

(389) Industria is a main belt asteroid discovered in March of 1894. It was spotted without being identified in December of 1938 and July of 1946.

The orbit is located at the central zone of the main belt. It has a perihelion of 2.43 AU and an aphelion of 2.78 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.60 AU. It has an orbital period of 4 years and 76 days. It has an inclination of 8.1º. It has a diameter of about 79 km.

Star occultations ocurred in April of 2004, August of 2009 and July of 2013.

Orbital resonance:
7:1 with Saturn (99.9%)

4:3 with Euphrosyne (99.8%)

Word from Latin

Industria is the latin word for 'diligence' in English, whom same of the meanings are related with the asteroid (389) Industria:
  1. Care and concern while carring out something.
  2. Quickness, agility, hurry.
  3. Processing of an administrative matter, and a written record of having processed it. 

(389) Industria is related with audits in which the effectiveness, quality and safety of the handmade manufacturing and elaboration procedures are assessed. For example, in agriculture, livestock, crafts, food and textile industry.