Wednesday 17 December 2014

1999 XS35, light signals and pleasant warning tones of instant messaging

1999 XS35 is an apollo asteroid discovered in December of 1999. It reached the perihelion in October of 1999.

Its orbit is between the Earth-Moon system and 35 UA (with an orbital piercing towards Venus). It has a perihelion of 0.94 AU and an aphelion of 34.75 AU. The semimajor axis is at 17.84 AU. It has an orbital period of 75 years and 149 days. It has an inclination of  19.5º (seminonile, 0º28' orb).

Orbital resonance:
10:9 with Uranus (99.7%)
3:19 with Júpiter (99.6%)

The discovery of 1999 XS35 clashed with the popularization of text messages in mobile phones and with instant messaging in computers.

1999 XS35 combine the telematic interaction (35 UA) with the sense perception (Earth-Moon system). 1999 XS35 is related with light signals and pleasant warning tones of telematic devices.