Thursday 25 December 2014

(1388) Aphrodite, respectful and personalized treatment

(1388) Aphrodite is a main belt asteroid discovered in September of 1935. There is a prediscovery image back to October of 1914.

It has a perihelion of 2.73 AU and an aphelion of 3.29 AU. The semimajor axis is at 3.01 AU. It has an orbital period of 5 years and 87 days. It has an inclination of  11.1º.

Orbital resonance:
2:17 with Venus (99.7%)
9:13 with Vesta (99.9%)
5:6 with Juno (99.8%)

In Christmas of the year 1914, during the First World War, one of the sides of the trenches began to sing Christmas carols. From the other side heard him, and did the same thing. After a while, one of them approached with great expectation to the other side, then the rest... Even they played a soccer match! 

The meeting lasted until resumed the shelling in the distance, and all had to return to the harsh reality.

The letters in which this story is tell, had been made public now, a hundred years later.

Greek mythology

Aphrodite Urania (signifying "heavenly" or "spiritual") was an epithet to distinguish her more "celestial" love of body and soul, from her more earthly aspects of Aphrodite Pandemos ("Aphrodite for all the people"). 

"Tomb Raider" (PS3, 2013)

In the movie “Wedding Daze” (2007), the main characters decide to live together on the same day that they meet. Because they practically still do not know each other and love has not yet appeared between them, what characterized most their relationship at the beginning, is the mutual respect typical of (1388) Aphrodite.

"Wedding Daze" (2007)

In addition to respectful treatment, (1388) Aphrodite is, above all, related with personalized treatment, as in small shops.

"Rails & Ties" (2007)

Jason Biggs, actor of the movie "Wedding Daze" (2006), has Aphrodite in Gemini (5th Moon-Node House, cusp), in semisextile/quincunx with the Crossing Axis of Age Progressions (Signs Horocope) in Cancer/Capricorn.