Monday 25 August 2014

(316720) 1998 BE7, deep faith to overcome almost impossible trials and challenges

(316720) 1998 BE7 is a centaur discovered in January of 1998.

The orbit is between Mars and Jupiter. It has a perihelion of 1.50 AU and an aphelion of 4.65 AU. The semimajor axis is at 3.07 AU. It has an orbital period of 5 years and 146 days. It has an inclination of  14.9º (15º aspect [=semisquare 45º > 0º Gemini/Pisces, =sesquicuadrate 135º > 0º Virgo/Sagitario], 0º03' orb).

Orbital resonance:
11:5 with Jupiter (99.8%)

"The champion of the Tour does not fall off. True or false?"  

"A review of the last editions of the Tour favors the conclusion that the final winner will be a man who will come out unscathed from all accidents that occur. Induráin did not know a single stumble in the five editions that was awarded. No fall, no cut -except in one of the first stages of the year 1991- They said that Indurain always went ahead, that his level of concentration was so high that he could resist that pressure.

[...] Some specialists in sports psychology came to the conclusion that the sportsman's subconscious may be behind some injuries or accidents. The fear to win, the pressure of competition, torments the sportsman in such a way that the subconscious manages to fix the problem: an apparently fortuitous injury, an accident... a fall. That theory would explain that only the strongest come out unscathed to pressure, as if it were a previous natural selection.

[...] The champion of the Tour does not fall off. True or false? Any conjecture will have to wait until 27th of July [1997], when a cyclist raises his arms on the podium in Paris. He will have been the strongest physically and mentally, but so strong as to have been sure of escaping unharmed from any adversity? We will examine if he has scratches on his body and we will review what he had done throughout the race. And if he has arrived to Paris without any scratch, we will have the same answer: "He has had the luck of the champion". (El paí, 10 julio 1997, [text in Spanish]

"Rush" (2013)

(316720) 1998 BE7 is related with trials and challenges that are almost impossible. To overcome them it is essential to have a lot of luck, like in elite sports competitions, or in the travels of illegal immigrants through the desert of Africa to reach Europe.

316720) 1998 BE7 combines the Mars ability to fight and the will to achieve aims, with the faith and positive expectations of Jupiter. For the self-organization of elements to be in favor, the unconscious parapsychological activity has to work in the same direction as the conscious will; something that can only be achieved if the will purpose is very deep and there is no doubt (11:5 resonance with Jupiter).

"Gravity" (2013)