Monday 29 September 2014

(763) Cupido, passionated conversation

(763) Cupido is a main belt asteroid discovered in September of 1913. It was spotted without being identified in october of 1933 and january of 1958.

It has a perihelion of 1.86 AU and an aphelion of 2.61 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.24 AU. It has an orbital period of 3 years and 127 days. It has an inclination of   4.0º.

Orbital resonance:
9:16 with Mars (99.8%)
13:12 with Vesta (99.9%)
11:8 with Ceres-Pallas (99.9%)
5:3 with Hygiea (99.8%)
13:10 with Juno (99.8%)
13:8 with Europa (99.9%

Roman mythology

Cupido was the primordial god for passion love and sexual attraction.

(763) Cupido has a great capacity for passionated conversation due to its rapid sense of orientation toward what is interesting, giving to the conversation a pace without pauses.

“Before Sunset” (1995)