Tuesday 30 April 2013

(7088) Ishtar, valuable object

(7088) Ishtar is an amor asteroid discovered in January of 1992. There are prediscovery images back to December and October of 1991 and March of 1981. It has a perihelion of 1.2 AU and an aphelion of 2.8 AU (orbit between Earth-Mars and main belt).

A satellite of (7088) Ishtar was discovered in January of 2006.

(7088) Ishtar is related with material objects that have an especial value or importance because of personal or social reasons, like the big diamond in the movie "Blood Diamond" (2006), the letter in the movie "The Constant Gardener" (2005), the arm of the T1000 found in the factory in the movie "Terminator: The Judgement Day" (1991), the lamp in the movie "Aladdin" 1992), the digital camera (with the pictures taken) in the movie "Final Destination 3" (2006), or the medallion in the movie "Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark" (1981).