Sunday 17 January 2016

(762) Pulcova, fashions and viral phenomena

(762) Pulcova is a main belt asteroid discovered in September of 1913. It was spotted without being identified in August of 1913 and August of 1952.

The orbit it is located in the outer main belt. It has a perihelion of 2.82 AU and an aphelion of 3.47 AU. The semimajor axis is at 3.15 AU. It has an orbital period of 5 years and 219 days. It has an inclination of  13.0º. It has a diameter of about 142 km. There are photometric observations in the year 2008.

A satellite of (762) Pulcova, with about 19 km, was discovered in February of 2000 and anounced in October of 2000.

Orbital resonance:
21:4 with Saturn (99.8%)
17:8 with Jupiter (99.6%)
7:9 with Juno (99.8%)
11:17 with Vesta (99.8%)

Astronomical observatory

(762) Pulcova was named after Pulkovo Observatory, near Saint Petersburg. 

In the elementary school where I studied, there was always a topic that becomed a fashion for everyone, it could be a trading cards colection, games, marbles or searching for quartz. However, when I turned nine years old, all that disappeared, because the total number of children in the school break for playtime was reduced when an additional school was opened in the municipality, were half of the students moved.

"A colony of ants is able to perform tasks of great complexity, as exploring its environment, building galleries, or decide the source of food between two possible choices. Pero, consideradas una por una, ninguna puede acometer, por sí sola, semejantes tareas, decimos que el comportamiento social del hormiguero emerge a partir de interaciones entre hormigas y no es reducible a las propiedades de un individuo de la colonia. But, taken one by one, none of them can undertake, by itself, such tasks, we say that the social behavior of the ant's nest emerges from interactions between ants and is not reducible to the properties of an individual of the colony. The same applies to the brain and the neurons that form it or to an ecosystem and the species that form it.

There is a critical density of ants, in which the system behaves as a whole, half way between order and disorder. If we try to modify their environment so to increase its density, the colony redefines its borders (hoarding close material) to return to its natural density." (translated to English from Spanish version of "New Scientist", May 1996)

"The Quiet Man" (1952)

(762) Pulcova is related with fashions, viral phenomena and gossip that expand collectively (11:17 resonance with Vesta), like in the movies "The Quiet Man" (1952) and "Malena" (2000).

"Malena" (2000)