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"50 Fist Dates" (2004) |
(16) Psyche is a main belt asteroid discovered in March of 1852.
The orbit is in the outer zone of the main belt. It has a perihelion of 2.52 AU and an aphelion of 3.32 AU. The semimajor axis is at 2.92 AU. It has an orbital period of 5 years. It has an inclination of 3.0º. It has a diameter of about 200 km.
Star occultations occured in March and May of 2002, May of 2004, April of 2006 and August of 2014.
Orbital resonance:
1:5 with Earth-Moon (99.9%)
Greek mythology
Psique was the youngest and most beautiful of three sisters. Aphrodite, jealous of her beauty, sent Eros to launch an arrow that would made her fall in love with the most horrible man he found. However, Eros fell in love with her and launched the arrow at the sea; when Psyche was asleep, he took her flying up to his palace. To avoid Aphrodite seeing him, he visited Psyche always at night and in the dark, forbidding Psyche to find out his identity.
One day, already pregnant, when she went to visit her sisters, they asked her about her lover and she ended up confessing that she really did not know how he looked like. They planted the seed of doubt and convinced her to observe him with a lamp in the middle of the night while he was asleep. In doing so, she did not saw the monster that she had imagined, but his dazzling beauty. Her surprise caused that a drop of very hot oil of the lamp to fell on Eros, who woke up and left her, hurt and disappointed.
When Psyche realized what she had done, she asked Aphrodite to gave her the opportunity to regain the love of Eros and she imposed her four tasks:
- In a room with a huge pile of mixed seeds, she should classify them before sunset, each one in its heap. The task seemed impossible until a multitude of ants came to her aid, placing each kind of seed, grain by grain, in its own pile.
- She should acquire some of the gold wool of the terrible rams of the Sun. The horned animals were huge and aggressive, which were in the middle of a field fighting among themselves. Psyche had to walk among them trying to catch their wool. The task also seemed impossible until a few green reeds helped her, advising her to wait until sunset, when the rams were dispersed to rest; then she could pick up the strands of gold wool from the brambles, against which the rams had rubbed.
- She should fill a small glass bottle with water from the banned river. This river, guarded by dragons, fell in cascade from a spring located on the top of the highest mountain to the deepest pit of the underworld, and then emerge through the soil and sprout again from the spring. That time, an eagle aid her and she was able to see the landscape from a distant prospect and swoop at the right time.
- She should descend to the underground world with a small box so that Persephone filled with beauty. That time, a clairvoyant tower advised her that she would find people in miserable situation that would ask her for help, and that on three occasions she should ignore their pleas and continue on her own way. If she did not, she would stand forever in the underground world.
The four tasks that Aphrodite imposed to Psyche, suggest the appropriate way to start a relationship, or to become reconciled after a break:
- Knowing how to choose the right person, after having properly classified the people of the environment, according to the type of relationship possible or appropriate (companion, friend, lover, partner,...).
- Knowing when to disrupt temporarily the dialog, if it becomes too intense, so clarifying thoughts and feelings, and to be able to speak more calmly without entering in a meaningless discussion.
- Knowing how to choose the right moment to start each type of activity.
- Knowing how to get psyched up and go on, whithout looking back, onze a new relationship has started.
(16) Psyche follows a cyclical evolution, with a very long phase of continuous changes, not very noticeables (approximately 90% of the full cycle), followed by a very short phase were dizzy changes occur.
"The Last of Us" (PS3, 2013)
Sometimes, a hidden element is exposed, triggering a waterfall of changes. At that stage, a conversation can start as usual, but acquire a completely unpredictable course of development, that result in major changes in the relationship (1:5 resonance with the Earth-Moon system).
"Safe Heaven" (2013)
"The Beach" (1999)
Chris Pine, actor of the movies "Star Trek" (2009), "Carriers" (2009) and "Unstopable" (2010), has Psyche in Gemini, in the Crossing Point of the Age Progressions (Signs Horoscope and Moon-Node Horoscope). Psyche is in square with the Moon in Pisces; and forms a grand trine with Aphrodite in Libra and Salacia in Aquarius.